Arjen explains: I’ve always been a big fan of the progband Kayak, especially because of Ton’s amazing compositions. I asked him to play a synth solo on ‘Into the Electric Castle’ and he replied that it wasn’t his specialty. Yet I had seen him play a magnificent solo on a video of the English prog band Camel for which he played keys for many years and I really wanted that synth (Prophet 5) and that sound. Ton recorded…
Robby Valentine
Arjen explains: I’ve always been impressed with Robby’s abilities but never knew how good he was until I actually worked with him. I went to him for one section of a piano piece. I played it on guitar for him, and he immediately turned it into an entire symphony! When this was recorded in one take, I had him play another three piano pieces. On top of that he conjured up…
Rene Merkelbach
Arjen explains: René works in the RS29 studio where I recorded/mixed most of my CDs, and has played keyboard for a lot of different types of bands; from the symphonic Rubicon to the death metal band Gorefest. Rene has fast fingers and is a very versatile keyboardist. The only thing that gets on my nerves is that his guitar imitations on the keyboard are just too damn close to the real thing!
Oliver Wakeman
Arjen explains: In 2002 I played guitar on Clive Nolan’s and Oliver Wakeman’s ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’ album. Ever since then I’ve been in regular email contact with Oliver. Already a long time ago we agreed to play on each others projects one day. For this album I had the idea to have Oliver and his father Rick do a synth-duel. Rick emailed me that…
Martin Orford
Arjen explains: My brother (the infamous Gjalt) is a big IQ fan. I went to an IQ show many years ago and liked what I heard. Later on I bought their album ‘Subterranea’ which I really enjoyed. Some melodies and synth-sounds on ‘Subterranea’ are simply amazing! Then I went to another IQ gig and Arie Verstegen, the organiser, arranged a meeting between Martin and me. Martin didn’t know…